All People Deserve Access to Nature
We firmly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to connect with nature and derive both mental and physical benefits from it. The testimonials and returned surveys from our past clients with various disabilities and diverse backgrounds stand as a testament to AAW's success in serving this community. Since 2017 our completed surveys from both clients and organizations have yielded outstanding results. Over 99% of those who have benefitted from AAW resources and expertise have reported increased feelings of independence, reduced depression and isolation, and a rekindled enthusiasm for participating in outdoor activities with loved ones. These outcomes underscore the invaluable role played by our services in enabling these individuals to resume cherished outdoor pursuits.
Organizations - Here's a way to increase access to the outdoors along with community leadership and participation at your events and activities. (Reserve a single trailer or an event trailer with multiple chairs!)
AAW works with schools, organizations, and parents so that youth experience unique and inclusive experiences. “AAW Adventures Beyond the Classroom” celebrates the diverse abilities of the kids involved. They are labeled as the "coolest" by their peers when using AAW OWC with their family and friends. Reserving AAW resources and working with our staff on youth activities and camps fosters an inclusive environment for youth to thrive and create lasting memories.
Serving older adults is one of the many services provided by AAW. Our comprehensive programs provide support and resources to older adults, helping them stay healthy, active, and engaged in their communities. We work with organizations and collaborate on how to blend and market "Outdoors Access 4 All!" within their programs to enhance services with the goal to increase health and wellness by providing opportunities to experience nature and access the great outdoors.
Peer Mentoring Action
AAW is committed to expanding and enhancing its services to support those with disabilities and their families. With grant support, we have added resources to help the spinal cord injury (SCI) community and those involved in their care. Our aim is to empower individuals with SCI to independently access and embrace the abundant natural resources that surround them as they adapt to their new reality. AAW has two board members living with SCI who have been peer mentors and advocates. Although we work with SCI throughout WI, AAWs goals include helping all people living with physical and mental difficulties. Read more...
Community Engagement
We understand that accessibility is a fundamental right that everyone should have. Therefore, we have partnered with various organizations to provide them with the necessary guidance and resources to ensure their programs and events are inclusive and welcoming to all attendees. Read more.
AAW collaborates closely with veterans and their families to enhance their outdoor experiences. Notably, three of AAW's board members are U.S. Military Veterans themselves. This direct representation ensures that AAW's initiatives and decisions are informed by firsthand experiences, benefiting veterans living with disabilities and their families. AAW's inclusive approach, coupled with the involvement of veteran board members, demonstrates their unwavering dedication to serving those who have bravely served their country.
Hosting AAW Resources
Community organizations have an opportunity to work closer with AAW resources and expertise. Learn more.
Our work with the WI
Dept of Natural Resources
We work closely with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources from advocacy to outdoor adventures. This includes listing our accessibility and inclusion resources on the WI DNR website so those with mobility challenges are aware that they too may participate in DNR programs and events around the state. This includes Recruitment, Reactivation, Retention (R3) opportunities for all ages and backgrounds, programs for fishing and hunting, safety classes, and DNR OutWIGoGreen events, Candlelight walks, Birding, Hiking at State Parks, Wildflower identification walks, and more. We have had resources at the WI State Fair with the DNR.

Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.